Partners gezocht voor pilotprojecten Centraal Amerika

mrt 23, 2021

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  4.  → Partners gezocht voor pilotprojecten Centraal Amerika

In de internationale glastuinbouw- en levensmiddelensector groeit de vraag naar direct use (shallow) geothermal energy, oftewel het gebruik van de bodemenergie in plaats van elektriciteit. Bent u geïnteresseerd in nieuwe markten en pilotprojecten in Centraal Amerika? De IGA (International Geothermal Organization) en de GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation) zijn op zoek naar partners in Europa. Hieronder treft u hun oproep aan:

Beyond simple support: Responsible business creates added value

Are you interested in expanding geothermal food and agriculture markets? Are you a business or a project developer located in Europe willing to expand your business sector or bring your project idea to Central America?

The IGA together with the GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation) is reaching out to all companies and business owners currently active in the full supply chain of geothermal food and agriculture industry, e.g. shallow geothermal technology and/or heat pumps.

What is it about?

You would like to…

  • raise standards of sustainable production in food and agriculture supply-demand
  • make your products more environmentally friendly, secure food production and reduce the operation costs.
  • finance sustainable geothermal food projects.
  • bring in geothermal knowledge and expertise to food suppliers to improve the quality and security of their products, infrastructure and services
  • take sustainable geothermal products to new markets.
  • pilot an innovative (shallow) geothermal technology or create a demonstration unit.

To receive further information, please visit this website, or contact Gregor Rumberg at